Cone 013

Product Code : j C013

• 852C


  • Small/Mini Cones Box - 50 Pieces
  • Small/Mini Cones Packet - 10 Pieces

Small/Mini Cones are commonly used in the kiln sitter. The tapered shape allows some flexibility to adjust shut-off by placing the thinner or thicker portion of the cone under the sensing rod.

Small Cones can also be used on the kiln shelf as miniature witness cones when space is limited. They require mounting in cone holders or plaques at an 8° angle. 

  • Standard/Large Cones Box - 50 Pieces
  • Standard/Large Cones Packet - 5 Pieces

Standard/Large Pyrometric Cones allow users a practical method to monitor the heat work (the effect of temperature and time at temperature) inside their kiln. This cone will bend tip to toe at the stated temperature when fired and set correctly.

Large cones must be mounted in a plaque with the cones mounted at 8° angle. Plaques can be made by hand or purchased through our website.

Please refer to the links below for information on:

Pyrometric cone FAQ’s

Pyrometric Cones Chart

Please make your selection:
Small/Mini Cone Box$39.95 AUD
Small/Mini Cone Packet$14.95 AUD
Standard/Large Cone packet$12.35 AUD
Standard/Large Cone box$53.95 AUD


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